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Mom review

I recently received an email from Kathy P., the mother of a teenager. Reactions like this are the real payoff for the four years I spent working on this book. Thanks, Kathy!

I started reading Mentoring Teenage Heroes this morning at 9:50AM. At 11:45AM I had finished your book, didn't pause for a second, I actually couldn't. That's how compelling I found it. With [my son] sleeping the morning and early afternoon away, I am mixed with feelings of comfort and anxiety. After reading your book I wonder about [his] Hero's Journey. As a follower, with much bravado and insecurity, I worry about [his] life path. Your book resolves me to maintain my strength as a parent in times of doubt, and to guide [him] towards good mentorship. Thank you for a really compelling read. Just so good!

All the best ~


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